Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Playing Poker like a Piranha

Hi Everyone,

My name is Mike and im currently on a gap year due to some leg surgery before heading off to Aston Uni in September, ive been playing various forms of poker for about 2 years i and 9 others have been awarded the "Piranha" level (the lowest unfortunately) of the BadBeat.com Trader Program whereby a whopping $50 will be available every day with the view of turning it into $250 in 30 days.

I wanted to create a blog to document my progress and hopefully keep myself in check and set out some targets and hopefully get advice. The absolute target of this is to become a fully fledged BadBeat trader and turn Pro and not have to do the whole uni thing!

As i am starting on a very small bankroll i will only be playing 0.10/0.20 ring games but i am required to play 40 hours a week! so although $250 doesnt sound much it will be drawn out and will provide interesting hands and learning oppourtunities.

The Piranha program doesnt start untill the 3rd/4th of February so im taking a small break before the road to Poker Proffesionalism begins!

Thanks and ill see you in February.



Godders said...

Linked up, gl

Jonathan Irons said...

Good Luck Mike, See you on the tables, and on MSN, oh and when I come home from Uni.